The online retailer you should talk to is commerce casino restaurant, which is really not a bad place to go. If you feel like you’re in danger of losing some of your money, make sure you talk to a bank customer service representative about your options. Many online retailers make it easier to get cash through credit cards than they do online, but they can still get you into trouble. I was too lazy, and I was afraid I would lose some of the money I earned.īefore getting into the trouble of ordering food online, you should probably have a conversation with your bank or credit card company about what you can buy there. When I was a kid, I wouldnt order my food online. Even if you’re already a millionaire and can afford to eat out, you can still get yourself into a bit of trouble by allowing other people to order your food. In a world where the vast majority of commerce is done online, dining out can sometimes be a challenge. If you had a restaurant that would allow you to be more comfortable with your meal, you wouldn’t be alone in thinking about whether you have the money, the time, or the experience to make your meal a reality.